In line with recommendations from the National Governors Association, we have adopted their Code of Conduct for Governors. It can be found below:
School governance is the most important role in education and as unpaid voluntary public servants we are committed to serving the best interests of the school.
We set strategies for the school, monitor its achievements, help to sustain its identity and provide a link with the local community. As an effective governing body we are a source of enormous strength to the school. We play a vital role in promoting high standards of educational achievement, share a common vision that the children in our community should receive the best possible education in all areas of their development and ensure the continued development of the school for current and future pupils.
The governing body is made up of: school staff, parents of pupils and other members of the community.
The governors meet as a whole governing body once a term and sub-committees meet each half-term to consider and act on a variety of items affecting the school and to receive reports from the Headteacher.
If you would like to make a difference to children's lives by helping them to realise their aspirations, then please volunteer to join us and become a School Governor.
Our Governors are each in post for a period of 4 years and represent different stake-holders within the school.
Headteacher - the headteacher of any school is automatically a member of its Governing Body.
Parent Governors - these are elected by parent governors to represent the views of parents. The roles of the parent governors are important, and can be excellent ways to find out more about, and influence education in school.
Staff Governors - these are elected by our school staff and represent both teaching and non-teaching staff.
Local Authority Governors - the local authority can appoint a Governor in order to maintain links to the school.
Co-opted - the Governing Body can invite people to be governors and will often approach people with specific skills or experience. This is important to maintain both knowledge and continuity within the Governing Body.
Associate members - The governing body can appoint associate members to serve on one or more governing body committees and attend full governing body meetings. Associate members are not governors and they are not recorded in the Instrument of Government. An associate member may not vote on any of the following: school admissions; pupil discipline; election or appointment of governors; the budget and financial commitments of the governing body.
Current Membership 2024/25
2024-25 |
The Full Governing Body is split into the following two committees. |
FGB Chair – N Ganatra Vice Chair – Unelected |
Finance, Fabric & Health & Safety |
Staffing & School Effectiveness |
J Sutton (Chair) |
K Bolton (Chair) |
B Spedding |
B Spedding |
K Bolton |
N Ganatra(Vice) |
S O’Brien |
P Sibandi |
J Sutton |
S Rose |
S Wigley (Vice) |
Vacancy (Co-opted) |
G Denison |
S O’Brien |
S Rose |
L.Bowes (Staff) |
It is required that we maintain and publish a Register of Interests for our Governing Body and for each Governor, their term of office. This can be found below.
It is required that we maintain and publish attendance at meetings.
2023-24 Attendance can be found here
2022-23 current year's attendance for this academic year can be found here.
2021-22 attendance can be found here
Previous year's attendance can be found here.